“It was only a natural evolution of my relationship with soccer that I would eventually bring it in my field of work. I fused my passion and my profession. That’s when I starting feeling complete.”
Johnny est notre chef d'opérations; sans lui la boutique cesserait de bien fonctionner. Depuis quelques semaines, au delà de ces contributions chez OTH, Johnny contribue au blogue de The Hundreds. Pour son plus récent post, il a pris un après-midi pour discuter avec Angelo sur sa passion pour le soccer et sur les origines du Ringleaders FC. Dirigez-vous vers leur blogue pour lire l'entrevue en entier.
Johnny is our Chief of Operations; without him, the shop would stop running smoothly. On top of his role at Off The Hook, Johnny's been contributing to The Hundreds blog for a few weeks now. For his most recent post, he sat down with Angelo to discuss his love of soccer and the philosophy behind Ringleaders FC. Head over to the Hundreds blog to check it out, it's definitely worth a read.