Dimanche dernier avait lieu notre premier BBQ OTH Retour à l’école à la SAT et nous pouvons vous garantir qu’il y avait de nombreux absents en classe ce matin. Si vous avez manqué les festivités, voici quelques images des moments forts de la soirée. Ça devrait suffire à vous convaincre de participer au prochain.

Plus de photos sur notre page Facebook

Last Sunday was our first OTH Back to School BBQ at the SAT and we guarantee a lot of people didn’t make it to class this morning. If you missed out, here’s a look at some of the shenanigans that went down. It should be enough to make sure you’ll be in attendance next year.

More photos available on our Facebook page.


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AuthorPhil Henderson

Courez la chance de gagner une paire de billets pour aller voir Action Bronson au Théâtre Telus le 2 octobre prochain. Pour participer, dites-nous le nom de son dernier mixtape en indiquant votre réponse dans la section commentaires d’Instagram. Indice : La réponse se trouve dans l’un des posts de cette semaine. Le concours se termine le 17 septembre à midi. Vous pouvez également acheter vos billets à la boutique. Bonne chance!

Win a pair of tickets to see Action Bronson at the Telus Theatre on October 2nd by giving us the name of his latest mixtape. Here’s a hint: the answer is in one of this week’s posts. You have till noon on September 17th to participate by writing your answer in the comments field (on Instagram). You can also purchase tickets at the shop. Good luck!

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AuthorGuest User

 Born and raised in LA, Samuel Clement moved to Montreal two and half years ago. When he was in high school, he got into wrestling and his coach used to make him and his peers go for 40 minutes to 2 hours runs. They would run along the beach, sometimes fifty of them at one time, a memory he fondly looks back on. In Montreal, running along the Lachine Canal with Runspecs reminds him of back home.

When did you join Runspecs?

I joined Runspecs about a year and half ago.

How did you find out about it?

I had been in Montreal for almost year at the time and had just moved to Saint-Henri. I was at a dépanneur when I saw some guys buying a few cases of beer and we started talking. They invited us to the party they were having and one of the guys was a Runspecs runner.

What are you most comfortable in?

Nike running shoes are my go-to.

Runspecs Portait Sam Clement
Runspecs Portait Sam Clement
Runspecs Portait Sam Clement
Runspecs Portait Sam Clement
AuthorGuest User
CategoriesMens, Lifestyle