« Je ne quitte jamais la maison sans une liasse de billets, et ce, depuis la tempête de verglas de 1998. Pendant deux semaines et demie, il était impossible de retirer plus de 20 $ par jour sur la Rive-Sud et les cartes de crédit étaient inutiles. Ce n’est absolument pas pour poser, mais plutôt par sécurité, pour être paré à toute éventualité. »

Pour suivre Harry sur Instagram : @harry_offthehook

“I never leave the house without a stack of cash, ever since the big ice storm of ’98. For two and a half weeks, we could only take out 20$ a day at the bank on the south shore, and obviously plastic was useless. So the stack of cash has nothing to do with being ballin’, it’s about security and being prepared for anything.”

You can follow Harry on Instagram @harry_offthehook


Lo Pro Affinity bike – been in love with it from the start, Macbook 17”, the cross my godfather gave me at birth, OTH Magazine – Issue 1 (I always have copies on me to give out), iPhone 5, Baxter of California candle, Perrier (I'm a drinker), Tom Ford glasses, blue chambray (my favorite color, I have over 10 button downs this color), cash money, DSPTCH key chain, Advil (I'm a drinker), Gioconda chocolates (best chocolates ever, been eating them since I was a kid, gift from Greece)